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Minutes 03-04-2014
Burrillville Extended Care (BEC)
Board of Directors
March 4,2014

Called to Order and Attendance/Review Agenda:     
Meeting called to order-by Juliette Lopez-Recinos  @ 6:30pm
Members Present-Juliette Lopez-Recinos, Dawn Williams, Laura Fontaine, Alyssa Iadarolla, John Pacheco
Members absent: None
Others Present- BEC Program Directors Kelly Cournoyer and Assistant Director Lisa Nault, Office Manager Shannon Murphy
   Minutes of January 7,2014 to be accepted :
Laura Fontaine accepted the minutes Dawn Williams second 2-0 motion passed
     Good and Welfare:
    Old Business:
                Financials: None
    New Business:
      New Rates: Alyssa had some ideas about the rates. She commented on how they charge at the facilities she works at they charge parents more if they come less days of the week. You get charged a better rate if you go 5 days per week and more for 3 days per week. She has 50 students at her current facility. Judy asked how the spots are filled. She also asked about feedback but Lisa put a survey out and got roughly 15 responses back and many parents were comfortable with the fees now but would understand an increase. Judy asked how we compare to other places and Lisa said we were midline with other places. If we adjust a little bit we would still be midline. Judy asked if the idea Alyssa presented would work for them. Shannon stated that parents like the flexibility to schedule for their needs and not penalized for extra. The parents who register like to have a schedule where they can use them for their needs. Judy was concerned if they fill all the spots and Shannon said they do fill the spots when they hand in their enrollments so when the late enrollments come in they know what days they have available and which days are already filled. The parents take what they can get and the days are filled up. Judy asked Laura and I how many days our kids go because both our kids go and we both utilize the 5 days. Laura had asked other parents about the increase and they would be OK with the lower end of the increase but the higher end they were not happy with. They rates have not been raised since 2010. Alyssa asked if there were other ways they could raise money instead of the rates.  There aren’t too many places parents can send their kids that are local besides BEC. Judy said there are some places opening up in town. Judy asked if they were opening up something in the Chepachet Pharmacy Bldg. I said there was a teen center located in there. Alyssa said there are no other places that will take the age group of kids that BEC offers. If they raise too much the parents will look for other options instead of using BEC. Girl Scout camp is 150.00 a week for just that 1 week with nothing included.  Shannon said with the budget things are already tight and Judy doesn’t want the program to fail and they have been open 11 years and have always had a steady enrollment. Alyssa said there aren’t a lot of steady places available for the parents in Burrillville to utilize. Judy said BEC does a lot with the kids with the shows and activities. Instead of paying for the rec hall at Spring Lake they are going to have the performers go there for the kids instead of the school. Judy doesn’t have a problem with raising the prices. I said I was OK with the 3.00 and Laura also said that is where she was OK with too. The increase now is a start to where they can go from there. They aren’t looking to make money they just want to be there for the community. I (Dawn) motioned to increase the 3.00 rate. I also asked if they were able to do fundraisers to help raise money. Alyssa asked if they ever reached out to Veronica from DCYF about the Race for the top grant. Many grants coming out that they could like into. She mentioned about college credits for staff. Money for certain programs like Bright Stars and a person will come in to tell them what they need to do to get the money for their program. Judy asked John if he had any input in this and he asked how much in the red they were and Shannon said it was 14000.00 due to the payout for parks and rec. Motion to increase the tuition for the summer program to 33.00 per day by Dawn and Laura 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion passed to 33.00 per day for any full day activity. John asked about the before/after school program and Shannon said they raised the afternoon rate 1.00 Judy asked how they were doing with staffing and things are good with staff right now. Judy asked when the rate increase would go in affect and it was noted for the upcoming summer program.
New Business: Financials
Shannon said as of today our net income is 29,562.57 they haven’t been charged for benefits yet but everything is current. John asked if they met in front of the budget committee and Kelly said yes and he asked how it went. Kelly said it was OK.  He really didn’t have much to say and wanted to know why the investment acct wasn’t being used.
February Vacation:
Lisa said Feb vacation was about 2 weeks ago and they had3 days onsite and 2 field trips but 1 was cancelled due to the weather. It was a good vacation and the kids were upset about the battlegroundz trip being cancelled and Lisa told them they would go during April vacation. They averaged about 50 kids per day.
Agenda for summer programs:
Lisa presented a calendar for everyone to see. John asked how many days they will be at Spring Lake and Lisa said 2. The last day of school is June 18th. They are going to try something new with the onsite programs. Mondays onsite kids will be doing a variety of activities and Friday something new with some team challenges group games and lots of fun morning activities with afternoon water play. Tuesday and Thursday will be Spring Lake and Wednesday will be a journey to many different places. They sent out flyers out to all the students in the schools. They welcome any suggestions of field trips.
Judy asked about the middle school program and there is currently 1 student enrolled. Kelly would like to promote it more for next year seeing as we started so late this year to get a higher turnout. Alyssa mentioned the babysitting program as an incentive for next year.
   Meeting adjourned: Adjourned at 7:20 pm Laura Fontaine motioned Dawn Williams second.

  Next Meeting: Tuesday May 6 2014 @ 6:30 p.m. Burrillville Parks &  
                           Recreation Offices; 92 North Main Street, Pascoag, R.I.

Submitted  by:
Dawn Williams
BEC Secretary